Your Prescription For Fiscal Health & Actionable Data Insight

Federal CARES Act Relief Funds came at a critical juncture for hospitals. Now, as society is opening, lagging reimbursements will precipitate a fiscal "Second Wave" for healthcare facilities. Prepare and Avoid with Cash Flow Acceleration on a continuing basis, available now with IATRIX.
IATRIX - Revenue Acceleration, Coding to Cash in just 48 Hours ​
IATRICOMP - Big Data Science for up to 7% increase in Net Revenue!
Free Evaluation and No Up-Front Cost
No Assignments, Guarantees or Collateral
Business Office Productivity Assistance
Cost Less Than Credit Card Transactions
Applicable to Any Healthcare Entity Engaged with Commercial or Government Payers
About Us
Our team has over 35 years experience working with hospitals. We understand the significant struggles hospitals and medical entities face regarding delayed payment on claims and diminished days cash on hand. These fiscal challenges weigh heavily on hospital executives which divert their attention away from operational and growth strategies. IATRIX has a unique solution that will alleviate these financial concerns and allow C-Suite teams to focus on their established goals, rather than time-consuming, monetary challenges. IATRICOMP BIG DATA SCIENCE can increase net revenue up to 7% through automation and artificial intelligence management of denials, inappropriate CCI edits, coding and contract compliance monitoring to augment your Revenue Cycle Management and increase business office productivity.

We Pick-Up Where Your Revenue Cycle Ends!

Industry Problem
Hospitals are faced with declining admissions and reimbursements, coupled with significantly delayed payments from insurance companies resulting in:
Hospital's exhausting their lines of credit
Inability to meet payroll demands
C-Suite unable to focus on quality of care and growth due to a preoccupation with cash flow issues
Possible bankruptcy or closure​​
Furthermore, accounts receivable are unpredictable and impossible for banks to value. Therefore, banks view hospitals and receivables as high risk and are reluctant to offer the affordable help needed to keep hospitals operational. IATRIX can eliminate these financial challenges and risks and provide new and beneficial opportunities that have previously been unavailable.
The Solution For You And Your Facility
The IATRIX algorithm predicts the number of days in collection and net revenue with 95% certainty using Big Data Science from IATRICOMP. As a result, our fiscal sources know precisely the amount to advance healthcare entities for their submitted claims.

With the predictive algorithm in place, we can engage and provide low cost, 48 hour advances of up to 95% of the hospital's net revenue. Confidently move forward with no risk, collateral or liens! The end result is hospitals and healthcare entities receiving a constant predictable stream of advanced funds, improving days cash on hand dramatically.
IATRIX & IATRICOMP Program Advantages
With the full IATRIX/IATRICOMP suite,hospitals and medical entities will no Longer be subject to:
Slow-pay behavior
Poor contract compliance
Denied claims
Timely Appeal Transgressions
Diminished "clean claim" rate
"Down" coding
Inappropriate CCI edits
By eliminating the aforementioned challenges, IATRIX will help hospitals experience:
Prediction of timing and amount of claim reimbursement and cash advancements against claims by IATRIX funding sources
Days cash on hand substantial increase, up to three times greater
Extra capital available for immediate and long-term needs
No C-Suite distractions due to cash flow deficits
Stabilization of holiday cash flow
No up-front costs, investments, training or facility changes of any kind to implement the program
A supplement or complete elimination of the hospital's line of credit with our low rates and costs
Meet The Team

We Look Forward To Working With You
Kansas City, KS, USA